Last updated: 9/30/2020
2051 George Ave
JBSA-Lackland AF
San Antonio, TX 78236
2051 George Ave.
JBSA-Lackland AFB
San Antonio, TX 78236
Wednesday, Friday
9 AM - 3 PM
Wednesday, Friday
9 AM - 3 PM
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed Federal Holidays
Wednesday, Friday
10 AM - 3 PM
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed Federal Holidays
Daily - During Daylight Hours
Free to all.
All DoD ID Card holders have access to visit the Museums. All other US citizens with a valid state/government issued I.D. can visit our museums during hours of operation. Stop at the Luke East Visitor Control Center and request a pass to visit the museum. All visitors in your party will be vetted and if cleared a pass to visit the museum will be issued. Only the East Luke Visitor Center will process museum visitor pass requests.
William Manchester
phone: 210-671-3055
The USAF Airman heritage Complex consists of two museums and a 42 historical aircraft Airpark.
The USAF Airman Heritage Training Complex's mission is to train and educate Airmen and the public on the history and heritage of the USAF.
The museum first opened in 1956 and is constantly updating exhibits.
Collection of over 3700 artifacts ranging from historical uniforms to Large USAF aircraft.
With an outdoor Airpark of 42 different aircraft that spans eight decades, the Lackland Airpark is one of the most impressive in the Air Force.
Extensive archival collection related to Kelly Field, Lackland AFB and San Antonio aviation history.
The AHTC has self guided and guided tours of the galleries.
The Airman Heritage Training Complex consists of the Airman heritage Museum, The Security Forces Exhibit Annex and the Airpark. Space is available in both facilities for ceremonies and team building events.
Lecture Halls
The AHTC is governed by the USAF.
To scheduled a group event, tour, or reserve space at either museum please email 0r call us at commercial
Our Training Complex is sponsored by two great Foundations. If you wish to contact our Foundations for information, to becoming a member, or to make a donation please contact our main office. Thank You.
The AHTC is accessible to all with disabilities.
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