Last updated: 1/17/2021
258 East White Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
PO Box 651
Rock Hill, SC 29731
Tuesday - Friday
10 AM - 4 PM
Self-guided tours - $5
Guided Tours - $8 for adults, $6 seniors and students
Lindsay Stuber
phone: 803-329-1020
Historic Rock Hill owns and operates the historic White Home as a house museum as well as a museum for the city of Rock Hill, SC.
Historic Rock Hill seeks to preserve and promote the collective history of Rock Hill, South Carolina by collaborating with our community to provide stewardship of historical resources along with educational programming in celebration of our shared past.
The White Home started out as a one room cabin that sat within the Catawba Land Lease. George and Ann White subleased the land and lived in the cabin as they built a larger house. Eventually, the larger family home was connected to the cabin and following her husband's death, Ann was forced to turn the home into a boarding house to make ends meet. Following the Civil War and after she inherited funds from a brother, she built a Carpenter's Gothic addition to the rear. The family lived in the house until 2005 when Historic Rock Hill purchased the home and restored it.
Historic Rock Hill holds a collection of artifacts that pertain to the White family as well as collections relating to the history of Rock Hill, SC.
Historic Rock Hill holds books and records that pertain to historic buildings and businesses in Rock Hill as well as some family histories and documents.
Historic Rock Hill has multiple educational programs, including lectures and classes. Contact us for additional details.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
From corporate meetings and business retreats to birthday parties or wedding showers, the White Home is the perfect place for your special event. The White Home is located a the heart of the beautiful downtown Rock Hill historic district and close to Knowledge Park and the Technology Incubator. Call 803-329-1020 or email to make an appointment or to set up a tour.
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