The Junior Center is a children's art and science center which offers after school and summer classes for children ages 5 to 17, school outreach programs for elementary and middle school groups, a rotating cultural exhibit program, drop-in activities and community events for 2 to 12 year olds and their families, professional developement workshop for classroom teachers. Junior Center programs serve children and schools in Oakland and 12 other East Bay cities.
Art Parties and Science Celebrations are available for children’s parties with five to twelve year old participants or a group of adults celebrating a special occasion. A fun and festive 90-minute or two hour party will be designed around the chosen theme and presented in the Junior Center’s party room over-looking beautiful Lake Merritt.
NEW! FAIRY PRINCESS PARTY: Party guests will create their own crowns, wands and hand-made jewelry in this fun, fanciful party. The birthday princess will create her own, special crown as she celebrates with guests. Special stories and games will complete the party.
RECYCLED ROBOTS CELEBRATION: Guests will learn about a variety of robots and build their own robot using recycled objects and low melt glue guns. Go Green Machines!
ANIMAL ADVENTURES: Guests will meet and learn about the habitats, special features and adaptive behaviors of two or more members of the Junior Center Animal Ambassador Program. Presentations are followed by a hands-on art project emphasizing the party theme
POTTERY PAINTING PARTY: Guests will glaze two ceramic pieces with their own unique designs as they learn about painting techniques. Finished ceramic pieces are ready for pick-up in 7 to 10 working days. A minimum of three weeks advance reservation and payment are required for all Pottery Painting Parties
ROCKET SCIENCE CELEBRATION: The Junior Center science presenter will engage students in a series of fun experiments which will lay the foundation for the hands-on portion of the workshop. "Junior scientists" will learn about air and water pressure as they prepare to build and launch their own rockets. This educational workshop is an exciting experience for young participants and their adult chaperones.
PAINTING PARTY: Guests will create a painting in the style of a famous artist. Over 15 different artist themes are available including Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keeffe, Wayne Thiebaud, and Vincent Van Gogh. Fun facts about the featured artist and painting techniques will be shared with the group as they work on their paintings
Dedicated to all the children of the East Bay, the Junior Center of Art and Science encourages children's active wonder and creative responses through artistic and scientific exploration of their natural urban environment. The Junior Center's classes, workshops, exhibits , and events integrate art and science to promote children's fresh, hands-on and personalized interaction with their natural world. The Junior Center contributes to the development of citizens who value nature and apprecite the importance of art and science in our community.
Founded in 1954, opening its doors in Oakland's Mosswood Park as 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Moved to Lakeside Park in Oakland in 1991. Celebrated its 55th Anniversary in 2009. Remains dedicated to bringing hands-on art & science programs to children and schools in the East Bay.
Programming.Programming=Programs offered: exhibits, teacher workshops, gallery tours, children's art and science classes, and borrowing of educational materials.