Last updated: 4/20/2016
311 Washington Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
P.O. Box 9082
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Tour most Sundays & Thursdays
Sunday, Thursday
1 PM - 3 PM
Special Tours by appointment.
Christine Wyman
phone: 530-527-1129
1880 Victorian House Museum designed to carry out our mission.
To promote understanding and appreciation of 19th century art, architecture and artifacts of Northern California and our local community. We accomplish this through preservation of such artifacts and our exhibition s and educational programs.
K-GHMA was formed in 1965. More info on our website.
American Indian Basketry, arrowheads and stone tools.
Guided Tours
Guest Speakers
Community Events
School Volunteer Programs.
1880 Italianate Victorian House - Museum
With room for guest lecturers to accommodate up to 50 guests.
9-Member Board of Directors
California Secretary of State
Not for profit 401 (c)3
Association Newsletters & Annual Report to Association Membership.
The Kelly-Gram, published quarterly
Windshield map of Red Bluff's Victorian buildings
Flier describing House collections
Guided Tours - Site of annual ice cream social.
free parking nearby
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