Last updated: 2/15/2012
65 Government St
Mobile, AL 36633
P.O. Box 1968
Mobile, AL 36633
Please visit for current hours of operation and show times.
Please visit for current pricing as it does vary.
Gretchen Jaspering
Summer Hutchens
phone: 251-208-6851
Located in downtown Mobile, Exploreum visitors can experience more than 150 hands-on science adventures in three permanent galleries: Hands On Hall, the Wharf of Wonder and My BodyWorks, the most advanced health exhibit in the nation. The Exploreum also features large-scale, family friendly, interactive traveling exhibits, year-round with broad science content and supplementary, themed educational programming. Guests can also enjoy demonstrations or workshops in the ChemLab, BioLab or new ExploreTEC lab and see a film in the J.L. Bedsole IMAX Theater.
Guests can enjoy demonstrations or workshops in the ChemLab, BioLab or new ExploreTEC lab and see a film in the J.L. Bedsole IMAX Theater.
Lecture Halls
Performance Areas
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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