Last updated: 12/24/2011
107 James Ave.
Swedesburg, IA 52652
Monday - Tuesday, Thursday - Saturday
9 AM - 4 PM
The Society created the Swedish American Museum to collect and catalogue artifacts of Swedish heritage and early immigrants of the Swedesburg area. The Museum is housed in The former Farmers union Exchange (FUE) building, built in
1928 by second generation Swedish Farmers. The FUE served Swedesburg and the surrounding area as a general store and Gathering place for the settlers in the area. The building is typical of stores which once dotted the Iowa countryside. The facility is available for meetings, tours and meals.Reservations are required in advance.
The Museum maintains a genealogical historical record of the families in the Swedesburg community.
Artifacts from local immigrant families.
Genealogy from the local area.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
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