Last updated: 10/26/2019
521 Columbia St.
Burlington, IA 52601
Sitting proudly at the top of Snake Alley, the Garrett-Phelps House Museum in historic Burlington, Iowa, sheltered three generations of one family for over 100 years.
A Victorian House museum, originally built in 1851 by William Garrett, with additions made c.1870. House was occupied by family until 1972 when it was sold to the Des Moines County Historical Society.
The original portion of the home was built in 1851, and then enlarged in 1870. The three story home has watched over Burlington through struggles, wars, prosperity and poverty. During an especially difficult period is housed a hospital, and then a nursing school.
Currently, the museum is home both permanent and rotating exhibits.
Permanent exhibits include the furnishings (including furniture, bedding, knickknacks, dishes, and flatware) that are were left by the family when they donated the building to the Historical Society in 1973.
The Medical Memories exhibit, located on the third floor, is home to various medical equipment that was used by the doctors and nurses who practiced in the building during it’s time as a hospital, and then a nursing school before it reverted to the Garrett-Phelps family home.
The Des Moines County Historical Society is a privately funded nonprofit institution that relies on the generosity of its friends and supporters. Please consider helping us preserve the legacy through membership, or corporate sponsorship.
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