Last updated: 5/17/2011
5925 Seminole Valley Tr. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52411
Tours available by Appointment.
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Special Events and programs throughout the year.
Call or visit website for admission pricing.
Teresa White
phone: 319-286-5763
Ann Cejka
phone: 319-286-5763
Laurel Gladish
phone: 319-286-5763
Ushers Ferry Historic Village is a recreated early 20th century village located on 10 acres in Seminole Valley Park.
Whatever your meeting or party needs, you are sure to find building space or open air ground at Ushers Ferry that will work for you.
Are you looking for the perfect spot for your company, church, or family picnic? Is there a graduation coming up? Where do we celebrate our 25th class reunion? Look no further than the grounds at Ushers Ferry! Located on 10 beautiful acres in Seminole Valley, this is the place for bringing people together.
Are you searching for something new and different to do with your scout troop, youth or church group, community organization, or just an outing with family and friends? Then join us at Ushers Ferry for a bonfire, and then enjoy a hayrack ride pulled by tractors around the Village.
Are you searching for something new and different to do with your scout troop, youth or church group, community organization, or just an outing with family and friends? Then join us at Ushers Ferry for a bonfire, and then enjoy a hayrack ride pulled by tractors around the Village.
Ushers Ferry Historic Village provides the citizens of Cedar Rapids and Eastern Iowa with a venue for family friendly activities, events and programs that build community from the historical perspective of a small Iowa town at the turn of the 20th century.
Ushers Ferry Historic Village is a facility of the Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation Department and was established in 1972.
A Day In the Life One Room School.
Live Learn and Play 3 Station Tour
Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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