Updated: 1/6/2012
The Historical Society was formed in 1908 to provide a public link to Marshall County's past. It exists to collect, store, and preserve artifacts and documents that were used or manufactured in Marshall County. The Historical Society Museum building associated with the Society was opened to the public in 1987 at the current location in Marshalltown, Iowa. The museum displays the Society's collections that illustrate and interpret Marshall County's natural and human history. The Central Iowa Genealogical Society has it's home base in our museum library.
Our museum displays some of the significant items of the collections of the Historical Society of Marshall County. Some of our featured displays include Geology and Archeology, Business and Industry, Domestic Life, Early American Glass Club Collection, Community Life, "The General Store", The Rural Frontier, Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing, The Frontier Town, Sports and Entertainment, Military History, and Government. We also have a Historical Reference Library and Genealogical Society materials for use by members and visitors.
Wed - Sat: 10-12, and 1-5
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