Last updated: 5/24/2011
Route 5
Fort Johnson, NY 12070
P.O. Box 196
Amsterdam, NY 12070
The Fort is open for tours May 22 to October 16
Wednesday - Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM
Old Fort Johnson is the original limestone house built by Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs and hero at the Battles of Lake George and Fort Niagara. The Fort was home to William, Catherine Wisenberg, Molly Brant, John Johnson and family throughout the French & Indian War.
The 18th century privy at Fort Johnson is one of only a handful of similar buildings still remaining in the United. States. It is a very high style structure with an 'ogee' roof and interior paneling that matches paneling inside the Fort.
We encourage you to become a volunteer at Old Fort Johnson and join this group of dedicated individuals who are brought together by a shared interest in colonial history, architecture, and Mohawk Valley history. Please give us a call at 518-843-0300 or send us an e-mail at for more information how you can get involved. Thank you for your interest!
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
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