Last updated: 4/28/2010
21 Butternut Street
Lyons, NY 14489
Tuesday - Friday
10 AM - 4 PM
$4 adults
$2 students
WCHS members Free
The museum is housed in the former Wayne County Jail and Sheriff's residence, built in 1856 and used until 1961. Tour the 10+ room home now used for gallery space, with the 24 cell blocks still attached to the back. Learn the stories of the inmates housed at the Wayne County Jail, their life-size portraits featured behind the bars. See the original artwork on the cell block walls from the more talented inmates housed here in the late 50's. The two story carriage house is also available to tour-weather permitting. In addition we maintain a reference library comprising over 1,000 volumes and an archive that includes maps, photographs, personal documents and business records. If you have a love of maps come join us once a month for our newly formed "Map Club", call for details(315-946-4943 or
"WAYNE HISTORY 2", a quarterly newsletter for all Wayne County history educators of private/public and homeschoolers. If you would like to be put on our mailing list please call the museum at 315-946-4943 or email This publication is made possible by the Lyons National Bank. The Museum of Wayne County History currently offers a wide variety of educational materials for area educators. In most cases we can even tailor a program to suit your needs.
PEN PAL LETTERS- $10 Each ten-letter pen pal series is written to your students by a fictional child from the past. Each letter is approximately three pages long, and describes daily life and current events. Choose from: The Early Settlers or The Erie Canal
TIME CAPSULES- $35 Kit Only These newly redone kits include real artifacts, handouts, enrichment ideas and more. The artifacts can be handled and studied, giving your students a hands-on experience that will help them learn and understand local history. Each kit also comes with a teacher's guide to help you identify and work with the material. (Kits on loan to teachers for 2 weeks). Choose from: Before the First Settlers, The Erie Canal, 'Games, Toys & Crafts of Yesterday', The One-Room Schoolhouse, and our newest edition Crime & Punishment.
TIME TRAVELER'S- $50 Kit & Presenter. Our Museum Educator will come to you and present the program. Choose from: All Around Wayne County, The Underground Railroad/The Civil War, Women of Wayne County, The One Room School House (presenter dressed in period clothing). All Time Capsule Kits are available as Time Traveler's Programs.
Former Wayne County Jail & Sheriffs residence built in 1856 used until 1961. Three floors of exhibition space, 2 cell blocks with 24 cells. Barn available for tour weather permitting.
Access: General Public, Members
Appointment required: True
2 quarterly newsletters. WCHS 2 free to members. WCHS for Educators free to WC school/ home schools.
1=WCHS 2
2=WCHS for Educators
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