Last updated: 11/16/2015
3 NorthEast 1st Street
Delray Beach, FL 33444
3 NE 1st Street
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Winnie Diggans Edwards
Michelle Quigley
phone: 561-274-9578
The Delray Beach Historical Society campus located at the corner of NE First Street and North Swinton Avenue includes three restored houses. Cason Cottage is a museum reflecting South Florida family lifestyle from 1924 to 1935. The 1926 Florida Bungalow houses the historical society's administrative offices and exhibit space. The 1908 Hunt House houses the Ethel Sterling Williams History Learning Center & Archives, exhibit space, curator's office, conference room, and separate archival storage.
The Delray Beach Historical Society, believing that a sense of history is fundamental to understanding human experiences, collects, preserves and shares materials from Delray Beach?s past, so that present and future generations can comprehend more fully their predecessors, their communities and themselves. The society encourages and assists people of all backgrounds and interests to learn more about Delray Beach's diverse history.
The Delray Beach Historical Society was founded in 1964. The Cason Cottage Museum opened in 1989. The 1926 Florida Bungalow was restored in 2003. The Hunt House was opened at the end of 2008 and dedicated in May 2009.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: True
A good selection of local history books are available at:
Cason Cottage Museum: 5 NE 1st Street Delray Beach, FL 33444
Ethel Sterling Williams Archive & Learning Center: 111 N. Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444
Reprints from the DBHS vintage photograph collection are available at the ESW Archive & Learning Center at 111 N. Swinton Avenue
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