Updated: 4/3/2011
The Society Library will open for the season on Wednesday, April 6, 2011. Volunteers will be on hand to help patrons with research projects on local history,genealogy and the Civil War. The Library will then be open for regular hours on Wednesdays from April through November from 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM. The Museum will officially open for tours on Saturday May 7 with its annual Open House. This is a rare opportunity to tour the museum on a weekend day.
Shortly after Andrew Lycans and other British and European natives settled the upper end of Dauphin county, the Proprietors of Pennsylvania granted Wild Cat Hill in 1771 to Aron Levy. By 1811, he bequeathed it to Simon Gratz, a weathy Philadelphia native. A survey was made,and the general plan was laid out. By 1815, the first recorded lot was sold by Simon Gratz in the newly established Gratztown. Within several years, a number of houses were built by an influx of German settlers. Many of these settlers were skilled craftsmen whose trades were useful to their neighbors and the farmers who had settled int he surrounding Lykens mValley.
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