Updated: 12/1/2012
In 1783, a block house was built by the U.S. Government as protection from the Indians. Adam Reburn was put in charge of the block house and it was called Reburn?s Station. In 1788, Reburn purchased the property that included 200 acres of land and made it his home. Later on, John J. Muse purchased the in the mid- 1800s. John J. Muse was an active politician from 1858 to 1859 and served as treasurer of Allegheny County and represented Allegheny County in the legislature. He built the colonial farmhouse and added the orchard, pine trees and gardens.
The property is now called Angora Gardens. Angora Gardens is a component of the Mon Yough Community Services, Inc. a non-profit agency. Since 1988 Angora Gardens has helped individuals and families in the Mon-Yough region to foster hope, renewal, healing and wellness for those who face the challenges of mental health, substance abuse disorders and developmental disabilities. The mission of Angora Gardens is to offer the community and consumers of the Mon Yough Community Services a place for health and wellness by offering classes and workshops that focus on the mind, body and soul. Angora Gardens also serves the community as a venue for social and business events.
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