Last updated: 8/2/2012
502 West King Street
Smethport, PA 16749
500 West Main Street
The Courthouse
Smethport, PA 16749
Tuesday, Thursday
1 PM - 4 PM
Monday - Friday
1 PM - 4 PM
Tuesday, Thursday
1 PM - 4 PM
The McKean County Historical Society (MCHS) is a nonprofit organization based in the Old Jail Museum in Smethport, PA. We do accept donations, charge an admission fee for tours, and run a gift shop; these proceeds help support us when we present programs and other events. You can become a member of MCHS for a fee.
We also offer tours of the museum. These tours can be for a single person or for a group; they include two stories of the building. We are currently working on repairing and remodeling a section of the second floor and hope to have it available for touring soon.
The programs and events mentioned above take place either at the Old Jail Museum or the McKean County Courthouse. Our advertisements specify the location of the program/event.
Staff at the museum includes volunteers and individuals involved in the PathStone program. We sometimes offer internships and also allow students to complete their senior projects at the museum.
We provide a visual, educational and genealogical history of McKean County and also the services and assistance to further explore and understand our county's place in history.
We are located in the former McKean County Jail, which was built in 1875-76. The McKean County Historical Society was formed in 1902.
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