Updated: 12/11/2011
The Chilo Lock #34 Visitor Center and Museum is located on the site of a former US Army Corps of Engineers lock and dam. The lock and dam was in operaion from 1925-1964. In 2005, the former operations building was renovated and converted into a visitor center and museum.
The museum features hands on exhibits featuring the theme of "Living and Working" with the Ohio River. The highlight of the exhibits is a working scale model of a lock and dam.
Chilo Lock 34 Visitor Center and Museum sits in the middle of a 39 acre park operated by the Clermont County Park District. The visitor center and museum was originally part of a lock and dam from 1925-1964.
The Chilo Lock 34 Visitor Center and Museum is open weekends from 12-5 pm year round. Weekday hours vary by season.
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