Last updated: 5/12/2011
415 W. Chickasha Ave.
Chickasha, OK 73018
PO Box 495
Chickasha, OK 73018
Monday - Friday
10 AM - 3 PM
Except holidays and one week in August
No admission fee. Donations are welcomed
Pat Cunningham
phone: 405-224-6480
Adrian Drew
phone: 405-224-6480
The Grady County Museum, located in a Historic Building, houses collections representing the history of the county.
To Treasure... To Share... The History of Grady County, OK
The Grady County Museum is located in "The Dixie", a department store building located in downtown Chickasha, OK. The building was erected in 1907 and was renovated for museum display space and for vendor shops and a cafe.
Geronimo Hotel Murals by Peyraud, the Mary H. Bailey Oklahoma History Book Collection, photo collection from before statehood, transporation items, military uniforms and memorabilia including the Borden General Hospital from WWII and the W & B Flying School, medical and embalming equipment and many other items from the from the social and natural history of Grady County, Oklahoma.
The following collections are available with prior permission: documents and photo collections relating to the development of the State of Oklahoma and Grady County, 1890's law lectures, Borden General Hospital and W & B Flying School.
Tours of the displays are available for adults and school-age children.
Access: General Public, Students, Scholars, Members
Appointment required: False
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