Last updated: 5/15/2012
35 Sunset Drive
Ardmore, OK 73401
Tuesday - Saturday
10 AM - 5 PM
Closed Sundays, Mondays and Holidays
Michael Anderson
Christina Smith
phone: 580-226-3857
Rebekah Abigail Chamberlain
Step through the front door of the Greater Southwest Historical Museum and you immediately enter South-Central Oklahoma's history. The museum is housed in Ardmore's former Oklahoma National Guard Armory. This native sandstone building was constructed by the WPA in 1936 and houses two other organizations.
Within these historic walls you will find exhibits detailing the area's history from the mid 1800's to the present. The Museum tells the fascinating story of human settlement in South-Central Oklahoma, from early Native American history, to the farmers, ranchers and townspeople who built strong communities in the region.
The Military Memorial Museum exhibits military history from the American Revolution through Desert Storm. Researchers will find an abundance of information in the Carter County Genealogical Society Library, which houses local, regional, state, and national records for visitors to explore their family tree.
Dedicated April 28, 1990, the Military Memorial Museum is housed in one wing of the building that once served as a National Guard Armory for Oklahoma’s historic, battle-proven 45th Division. Built by the Works Progress Administration in 1935-36, the building itself is a monument to that time-period in Oklahoma and the Nation’s history. The museum is a result of the foresight and leadership put forth in the mid-to-late 1980s by Brigidier General George M. Donovan and dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly during 1989-90 to renovate the building and prepare the displays. The men and women who serve as guides or “Charge of Quarters,” administrators and directors are volunteers.
Displays in the museum represent all eras: the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, the Indian Wars, World War I, World War II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam, the Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom War. The displays include artifacts, documents, photographs, uniforms, weapons, knives, models, medals and a great deal of personal memorabilia from veterans all over the United States.
The Museum offers a number of unique educational opportunities for students of all ages. Please visit the Museum's website for more information or contact the museum to request an educational programming catalog.
Carter County Genealogical Library - Specializing in family and genealogical research. Microfilm, books, city directories, obituaries, census records, internet research, original documents and much more. Call or drop by to make use of our vast treasure trove of information! Local area Cemetery Books are also for sale in the Genealogy Library.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
Be sure and visit the museum’s gift shop next time you are in the area for unique gifts and souvenirs! We specialize in things that you don’t find anywhere else in town. Old fashion toys, books, Oklahoma souvenirs, Native American pottery and jewelry, and a variety of hand-made crafts are just some of the items we have. Check out our clearance sale items for some great bargains and take advantage of our out-of-print books listed below. These great books are all hardcover editions and have been marked down tremendously. Supply is limited to what we have on hand so don’t miss out!
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