Experience the sumptuous residence of oil baron Frank Phillips, founder of Phillips Petroleum Company, and his family. Designed by architect Walton Everman, it was completed in 1909 and occupied by the Phillips until their deaths. Preserved by the Oklahoma Historical Society, this National Register Historic Site reflects the family life of one of the legends of the Oklahoma oil industry. The mansion, which underwent a $500,000 renovation in 1930 in the midst of the Depression, reflects an opulent yet comfortable lifestyle. Learn about the Phillips family and their contributions to the Bartlesville area and the state of Oklahoma. Absorb the opulence of the rich imported Philippine mahogany, the handcrafted molded ceilings, the Waterford crystal chandeliers, and much more! Don't miss this extravagant home!
Need a special gift for that special person? New in the Gift Shop is the paperback 101 Ranch Wild West, by Ellsworth Collings and Alma Miller England. Frank and Jane had a hardback copy of this book in their collection, dated approx. 1935, 1st edition, and autographed to Frank by the authors. You can purchase a copy of the book in our gift shop for $19.95 plus tax.
Since the beginning of 2005, the staff has gone into Bartlesville elementary schools to introduce the rich history of the Phillips era. The Friends of Frank Phillips Home have enhanced this experience by providing funding to bring students to the home for first hand exposure and hands on experiences. Most of these students are visiting the home for the first time and are thrilled and awed by their experience.
Future educational workshops are being planned in which participants will literally “go into the field,” visiting important places in northeastern Oklahoma that relate to the Phillips family and the oil and cattle businesses, and Oklahoma’s rich Indian culture
Notice: During the month of January, the Home will be open to the public only on Saturdays from 10-4. The Home will resume its normal operating hours February 2, 2011.
Oklahoma Historical Society
Open for guided tours Wed through Saturday. Tours run at 10,11,2,3,&4 o'clock.
At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, a special "behind the scenes" Director's Tour will be offered. The basement of the home, originally used as a laundry and extra cooking area, will be included as well as the garden cottage, where guests will be served refreshments at the end of this special tour.