Household goods range from a house (log cabin), rope bed and other furniture to a radio and audio players that show the progression in technology from cylinder to vinyl disks. Our photo collection numbers 1200 and dates back to pre-statehood days. A high grade steel jail cell from the 1930s houses the Police exhibit, and visitors can go inside. Agricultural implements include items used to cultivate cotton and animal husbandry tools. A model of a Bucyrus coal shovel highlights the coal exhibit. We have military uniforms from WWI, WWII, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. Many accoutrements accompany the uniforms. Retail artifacts include a grocer's butcher table and saw, two early 1900 cash registers, ice cream parlor table, 1908 barber pole and razor collection, and a 1900 harness and saddle full size mannequin horse made of steel and canvas. 1904 student desks from our first school are in our school exhibit. Muscogee-Creek Bible, hymnal, and a Dawes Roll allotment deed appear in the Tribal Town exhibit.