Updated: 1/7/2011
The Talbot Library and Museum specializes in historical and genealogical research material of Northeast Oklahoma, Northwest Arkansas, and Cherokee Territory. The facility also publishes a quarterly “T.L. & M. Genealogy” and is home to the “Goingsnake Messenger” quarterly. The Library & Museum operates solely on contributions and sales of Book Store and gift shop items. Its goal is to “Preserve a Bit of History”.
The Talbot Library & Museum, Colcord, Delaware County, Oklahoma was established by Virgil and Avis Talbot in 1987 as a free museum and library available for research of the area and local and Native American history. It is a (501-C-3)non-profit facility operated by a Board of Trustees. The Board is dedicated to managing this valuable resource in a professional manner. The Talbot Library & Museum is organized to own, possess and operate the Talbot Library and Museum for the use and benefit of the community, its citizens and all others who are interested, for educational and historical purposes.
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Appointment required: False
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