Dakota City provides a number of
education programs providing personal
experiences with history for students.
School Visit Programs - Educational programs are available for elementary school classes. There are three programs:
Hands-On History -(K - 1st grade)
This 90-minute program may include:
* Helping with chores outside at the
Harris House
* Gathering eggs and shopping at the
General Store
* Touching blacksmith items
* Using writing slates in the School
One-Room School House - (2nd - 5th grade)
This 4-hour program includes:
* Two hours in the School, learning
1900-era lessons as they were taught in
rural schools
* Play old fashioned-games outdoors
* Eat their brown bag lunch in the Drug
* Have a 75-minute tour of eight buildings
in The Village.
Village Experience - (grades 2 and up)
School tours of The Village are available,
with tours designed to meet the age and
interests of the group attending.
Typically, the program takes one and
one-half hours and students visit about nine
buildings in The Village and participate in
two hands-on activities.