Last updated: 9/7/2011
1421 Middleton St
Orangeburg, SC 29115
PO Box 1881
Orangeburg, SC 29116
Other hours can be arranged by appointment subject to volunteer availability.
Membership is $25/year
Lawton H Salley MD
L. Wayne Hughes
Ann Ji Salley
Marion Shuler
Eric Powell
Gene Atkinson DDS
Curt Campbell
The Orangeburg County Historical Society is the caretaker of the history and non-publicly held historical records of Orangeburg County and its people.
The Salley Archive building is located at the corner of Middleton and Bull Streets and is owned and operated by the Society. The archive was constructed in the 1960’s with funds left by South Carolina’s first archivist and historian, Alex.
S. Salley, Jr., who was a native of Orangeburgh.
Staffed by volunteers, The Salley Archives is open Tuesdays
9:00-12 noon, Wednesdays 9:00-3:00pm and the
first Saturday of the month 10:00-2:00pm.
Genealogical files at the archives comprise information on more than 1000 Orangeburg County surnames. Historic documentation files are also maintained with information about the government, buildings, homes, churches, schools, businesses, organizations and activities of Orangeburgers.
A small collection of artifacts from Orangeburg’s varied past are also housed at the Archives.
The Orangeburg County Historical Society exists to encourage the study and research of the history of Orangeburg County; to acquire and preserve historical documents and artifacts; to commemorate events and places of significance; to inform and educate the public and make history accessible; unite in fellowship those interested in history, and work cooperatively with other organizations to preserve, protect and promote
Orangeburg County’s History.
Small collection of various artifacts and clothing from the Orangeburg County area, antebellum, reconstruction and modern
Genealogical files at the archives comprise information on more than 1000 Orangeburg County surnames. Historic
documentation files are also maintained with information about the government, buildings, homes, churches, schools, businesses, organizations and activities of Orangeburgers.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: False
The Society’s volunteers have compiled a comprehensive collection of cemetery survey books, census cross-reference, death certificate transcriptions and church and family history volumes for Orangeburg County .
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