Last updated: 6/19/2012
624 South Britain Road
Southbury, CT 06488
P.O. Box 124
Southbury, CT 06488
The Southbury Historical Society operates four historically significant buildings: The Old Town Hall Museum, the South Britain Library, the Bullet Hill School and the Ludorf Barn. The Old Town Hall Museum houses the Society's offices, archives and collections and serves as its museum. The Historic Building Commission is the umbrella organization for the Society. Board members and volunteers of the Society run the operations of all four buildings.
The Southbury Historical Society, Inc., collects and preserves for public benefit the history and heritage of the Town of Southbury and its Region.
The Southbury Historical Society was organized in 1983 by a group of Southbury residents who were interested in preserving the town's rich historic heritage, including its historic sites and structures.
Since its founding, the Society has been actively collecting, documenting and cataloguing artifacts and archival materials that relate to the historical development of Southbury up to the present. The collections have grown largely from donations by individuals. The Society has been displaying these collections for the education and enjoyment of the town's residents and visitors at the Old Town Hall Museum in the South Britain area of Southbury.
All the work of the Society is strictly volunteer driven and is done by various committees. The Society depends on contributions of both time and money from Southbury residents and others who are interested in preserving the town?s rich history.
Access: General Public
Appointment required: True
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