Last updated: 1/9/2011
500 West 15th and Garrison
The Dalles, OR 97058
Adult Admission - $5.00
55 and Over - $4.00
Summer Hours
Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
Children 7-17 - $1.00
6 and Under FREE
Paula Kuttner
phone: 541-296-4547
Hilary Hines
phone: 541-296-4547
Fort Dalles Museum, in The Dalles, Oregon, is housed in the Surgeon's Quarters, the only remaining officer's house of the 1856 Fort Dalles military complex. The Fort Dalles Museum is Oregon's oldest history museum; it first opened its doors in 1905.
The Fort Dalles Museum is Oregon's oldest history museum and has been in continuous operation since 1905. The museum complex consists of seven buildings, including the Anderson homestead and the two remaining buildings of the original historic Fort Dalles, as well as two buildings housing our antique vehicle collection.
Fort Dalles is owned by Wasco County and funded by through a partnership between Wasco County and the City of The Dalles.
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