Updated: 5/28/2012
The Society has constructed two Azorean whaleboats, the Fayal and the Pico, displaying and sailing them throughout the region. These sleek and colorful craft function as distinctive cultural ambassadors, raising awareness and pride within the Azorean community on both sides of the Atlantic. Founded in New Bedford in 1997, the Society works in partnership with the New Bedford Whaling Museum to preserve the contributions of the Azoreans to American whaling in the Whaling Museum’s Azorean Whaleman Gallery. Membership in six categories is open to all.
For more info about Azorean Maritime Heritage Society, contact the New Bedford Whaling Museum, 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford, MA 02740. Tel. 508-997-0046.
The Azorean Maritime Heritage Society preserves and promotes the unique craft of whaleboat building and seamanship associated with the centuries-old tradition of wooden whaleboat construction in the Azorean Archipelago.
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