Three Buildings Filled With Cripple Creek Gold Rush History ~ Great Artifacts ~ Victorian Rooms ~ Gift Shop
Turn-of-the-Century Assay Office ~ Historical Photos of Gold Rush History ~ Online Digital Photo Archives
Located on Bennett Avenue in the former Midland-Terminal Railroad Depot, the Museum complex contains three buildings with six floors of mining memorabilia, maps, paintings, glass and china, children's items, furnishings, an assay office, a photograph gallery, Indian artifacts, mineral displays and two Victorian apartments.
The Cripple Creek District Museum houses literally thousands of archives, including books and booklets, business ledgers, city directories, documents, family files, letters, magazines, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, photographs and photograph albums, postcards, Sanborn maps, scrap books, stock certificates and other important historical resources. Over 1,000 photographs are available on our in-house computer.
We welcome researchers, but please remember we are a non-profit foundation and have only a limited number of items archived and available for public use at this time. IT IS BEST TO EMAIL OR CALL AHEAD FOR RESEARCH AVAILABILITY. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you or look up information for you.
The impact of legalized gaming since 1991 has resulted in a dramatic decrease in heritage visitors to the Cripple Creek District - The World's Greatest Gold Camp, an area that played an important role in the financial making of America. Our museum has suffered. By joining the Friends of the Museum, you can show your support for our mission to preserve the history of the Cripple Creek District and Teller County.
The Cripple Creek District Museum is a private, non-profit foundation founded to preserve the history of the fabulous Cripple Creek District.
The Cripple Creek District Museum Gift Shop carries hundreds of unique, hard-to-find items. The goods include quality reproduction Victorian china and glassware, mineral samples, fine and costume jewelry, unique sculptured clocks, fixtures, old-fashioned kitchenware, toys, cookbooks, tea and mocha sets, Victorian dolls, vases, oil lamps, candles, hand-crafted soaps, Southwestern jewelry, commemorative items, postcards, flower seeds, calendars, t-shirts, and hundreds of other one-of-a-kind gifts. We also have the largest and best book stock in Teller County.