Updated: 4/18/2012 
Hotel De Paris Museum
Georgetown, Colorado

Hotel de Paris founder Louis Dupuy, a native of Alencon, France, is considered the father of domestic science (today, we call it home economics). Dupuy's luxurious Norman-style inn made culinary history throughout the Western United States of America. Hotel de Paris Museum (HdPM) was Georgetown's first museum and created an interest in historic preservation in the Georgetown and Silver Plume communities. For over half a century, HdPM has educated school groups and the general public as to the importance of the hotel and to the diversity of the western silver mining community and the development of the Georgetown-Silver Plume National Historic Landmark District, the State of Colorado, and the Rocky Mountain area in the late 19th Century.


To collect, preserve, and share history associated with Louis Dupuy's Hotel de Paris, and serve as a catalyst for heritage tourism in Georgetown, Colorado.


The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in the State of Colorado raised funds to purchase the unoccupied, but furnished, Hotel de Paris in 1954 for use as an architectural museum rich in culinary history and the birthplace of domestic science (home economics). The Hotel de Paris Museum, a National Trust Historic Site, is owned and operated by The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Colorado.


The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Colorado; National Trust for Historic Preservation

2012 Tours

Louis Dupuy’s legendary hotel dates to the silver mining boom, when it served as a first-class French restaurant, showroom for traveling salesmen, and luxurious hotel during the Gilded Age. New this year, guests will touch selected historic artifacts owned by Dupuy.

Touch Something Really Old - NEW 2012

A reduction in barriers between the public and historic artifacts will allow visitors to better connect with and understand history at Hotel de Paris Museum. New opportunities to touch, hear and see how really old things function will seemingly make years slip away. An improved sensory experience will intensify the tour experience, stimulate curiosity, and make visitors feel transported to a time when the hotel was “famous the wide world over.”

Explore Restored Period Rooms

Recognized for authenticity, Hotel de Paris Museum displays a significant collection of objects from the hotel’s past in restored period rooms. Over 7,000 square feet are furnished with faithful arrangements of historic artifacts that tell the story of Frenchman Dupuy, the “father of domestic science,” and his amazing transformation from journalist, to miner, to renowned host. Dupuy’s life is illustrated through photography, statuary, oil paintings, etchings, lithographs, books, maps, decorative arts and culinary items.

Visitors will explore one of the most celebrated and well-appointed hotels in the West from the guest, proprietor, and back of the house staff perspectives, as well as learn about exemplary preservation of this rare historical and cultural resource. This year, the public will enjoy increased accessibility to the collection through limited handling of some of the museum’s genuine artifacts.

Gift Shop
Event Rental
Group Tours
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